Jeroen De Dauw

Jeroen De Dauw
Software Craftsman

Software Craftsmanship

I like getting things done. Most projects in the software industry crawl to a halt after initial development because most developers simply do not know the basics of software design and thus create big messes. Hence, my passion for and practice of Software Craftsmanship. With the right knowledge, you can get more things done for a lower cost, which is a win for everyone involved.

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Blog posts


Note that these slides are not designed for standalone usage.

An introduction to Iterators and Generators in PHP - slide preview

Blog post  •  Slides  •  2019

Five ways to write better mocks in PHP - slide preview

Blog post  •  Slides  •  2019

Real world implementation of The Clean Architecture - slide preview

Abstract  •  Blog post  •  Slides  •  2016-2018

Component design - slide preview

Abstract  •  Blog post  •  Slides  •  2014

The Liskov Substitution Principle - slide preview

Abstract  •  Blog post  •  Slides  •  2014-2016

Static: The S in STUPID - slide preview

Abstract  •  Blog post  •  Slides  •  2013

Clean Functions - slide preview

Abstract  •  Blog post  •  Slides  •  2013-2014

Recommended reading

Software Craftsmanship

Technical topics

Use my expertise

You can contract me for development work, advise and training. Contact me at JeroenDeDauw[at]